



CWE的客户和前成员Sarah Palya在Richard King Mellon基金会的第一次创业演讲比赛中获得了第二名,并获得了300美元的奖金,向巴特勒县的格斯齿轮公司投资了1000美元, 这是一家由首席执行官萨拉·帕利亚创立的两人创业公司. 格斯齿轮 specializes in the manufacturing of medical devices and supplies aimed at helping patients, 主要是孩子, live safer and more active lives while they are undergoing treatment for various medical conditions. 这家初创公司将利用这笔资金为那些面临经济困难的人提供产品的大幅折扣补贴. 它还允许公司建立一个配送中心,并从经济困难的社区雇佣员工来帮助运营.




I took the Business Start-Up Course through in Fall of 2015 through the Chatham CWE, 知道自己想要创业. 这门课让我保持在正轨上, 保持发行的积极性, 并认识其他鼓舞人心的女性. 我在2016年8月和其他4名员工一起创办了这家公司, 今天,我有一个超过20名员工的团队,我们的客户群在美国各地大幅增长, 加拿大, 甚至澳大利亚. 通过CWE和查塔姆的SBA女性商业中心,我认识了一些非常成功的女性. I was able to utilize the Counselor’s at the Women’s Business Center at no charge to me, 在我刚开始工作的时候是我的救命稻草. 我知道我可以信赖安妮, 她的团队, 以及帮助我在业务发展的各个阶段获得所需的工具和资源的顾问. 很高兴知道我能够通过SBA负担得起的免费项目在匹兹堡当地获得我需要的支持. 我很自豪地说,作为中心的人力资源技术顾问,我有机会帮助别人.





切尔西Burket, 第一代大学毕业生和企业家, 多年来一直梦想拥有自己的生意. She took her first course in the Spring of 2017 and continued to participate in CWE programming over the years, 建立她的知识, 连接, 商业计划. 2021年2月, 切尔西买下了关门的瑞士谷达里熟食店, 承担了一个改造项目, 收购银行融资, 开发供应商, 雇佣员工.

“今天,我和6名兼职员工经营着一家盈利的公司. Chatham CWE的支持对实现这一目标至关重要. I took a business plan course and worked with the Center’s counselors to refine and hone my business plan. 一份强有力的商业计划对我获得资金至关重要. 通过这门课, 我结识了一位律师和一位会计, both of whom provided generous pro bono advice and support during my start-up phase. 我继续使用它们作为付费服务提供商. 我还得到了中心财务和人力资源顾问的支持. 我的财务顾问花了几个小时讨论我的融资选择,并提供了宝贵的见解和指导. 我的人力资源顾问为我招聘第一批员工做了准备——给了我成为雇主所需的信心!

作为瑞士达里酒店的唯一老板,我身兼数职, 但我从不觉得孤单. I always know that the CWE is a phone call or an email away if I need assistance!".


老板, 瑞士达里删除


杰奎琳·赖特, 山地原住民, 凯利王国儿童保育中心的所有者和经营者在过去的18年里正在进入一个新的但非常熟悉的领域. 杰姬把她对烹饪的热爱带到了街头. 琼奶奶的Pgh餐车 is in Memory of her late mother, Joan Meyers, who inspired her to cook. 她妈妈称之为安慰食物. 日复一日,她会通过食物创造出最惊人的乐趣. 她希望在春天发射. 请出来支持她的灵魂美食.




Tia贝克, 皇冠礼宾部, 专注于个人及专业生活方式管理服务, including destination services for individuals and corporations who are time deficient. They handle the necessary day to day tasks delivering life's most valuable resource: time.

Tia says: "CWBC has been an invaluable asset in building a solid foundation for my business. 我参加了许多课程和研讨会,这些课程和研讨会帮助我避免了可能对我作为新企业主有害的常见陷阱. I will continue to utilize their services and gladly recommend the Center to women-owned businesses."




作为波胆网站(波胆网站)女性创业中心(Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship)的一员,我参与了CWBC非常有帮助的项目. 到目前为止, 我参加过小企业管理局的8(A), Hubzone和Women-Owned认证项目研讨会给了我深刻的见解,不仅让我知道我应该获得哪些认证, but also the motivation and additional resources I needed to complete the applications. 除了, I had the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a CWBC’s partner who counseled me on getting WBENC certified. 与那些通过了许多认证的专业成功女性在一起的洞察力和时间是无价的,也是令人鼓舞的. 这些认证可能具有挑战性,到目前为止,CWBC给我的总体支持是必不可少的. 和, 我期待在未来参加更多的活动,了解如何有效地利用这些认证.


合作伙伴 & 执行制片人 后期制作 LLC


The counseling I have received has been invaluable and has enabled me to create a new business card, 一本小册子, and a plan to revise my website and consider my participation in social media for my business. 咨询对我来说是一个很大的支持,因此我能够以一种澄清和陈述的方式专注于我的目标. I look forward to continuing my business journey with the support of the Chatham Women’s Business Center. 非常感谢您给我这次机会.


的创始人 Storypearls有限责任公司


After completing the start up class in April 2016, I began seeing former patients in their own homes. 截至2017年,我全职从事自己的业务, 从2月中旬开始盈利,我正在考虑为这两家公司开发一个独特的实习项目. 通过妇女商务中心的培训和咨询, I learned about and held 3 focus groups - super helpful; learned about and developed my own free Weebly website and posted it; learned about and set up Quickbooks Online (brilliant); used free legal counseling offered through the WBC program and continued with these attorneys’ paid legal assistance.



Write Results LLC

2016年6月,我创立了自己的小企业Write Results, LLC. Chatham’s Women’s Business Center’s counseling has been instrumental in my early growth and success. I am also enrolled in the 即将推出的概念 course, which has been incredibly helpful thus far. 因为查塔姆, 我现在有了更强的专注力, 一份商业游说计划和一次电梯游说. 我渴望写我的商业计划,并有意与查塔姆妇女商业中心及其许多有益的资源保持密切联系. 我热衷于帮助我的客户分享他们的故事, which often connect others and lead to stronger and more loyal client relationships. Stronger relationships often mean increased sales and profitable growth for my clients.


Write Results LLC


自从我去年夏天搬到匹兹堡后, 查塔姆足球波胆平台和妇女商业中心一直是我发展事业的关键,并帮助我在匹兹堡找到了一个社区.

在温迪Mascio和WBC的帮助下, I have firmed up my business concept and am now launching as an independent sales rep / consultant, 将本地公司与XR解决方案联系起来. 自从我上次咨询温迪之后, I have established agreements with two XR companies that I will be representing.

通过CWE与东部自由商会联合举办的活动, 我见过洛里·莫兰, who has made 连接 for me and expressed interest in having me conduct a seminar at some point.

通过CWE人员和项目建立的联系和增强的信心也帮助我完成了一个心爱的项目, 其中包括给城市周围社区的年轻人提供360度的摄像头,以提供他们的视角. 这个提议得到了热烈的响应,我在Thrival创新节和奥巴马学院有潜在的合作伙伴.

It's always exciting to attend CWE/WBC events and run into the dynamic women who are also members. 他们不仅用自己的商业努力激励着我, 但他们让我觉得自己是一个支持性社区的一部分. 非常感谢温蒂、安妮、丽贝卡和CWE的每一个人!


导演, XRconnectED







这次会议以及我在过去几个月所学到的一切都为我最终确定“商业计划”的最后细节做好了准备。. This conference certainly sealed the deal and I am grateful for the opportunity to attend. Thank you to Anne at the Chatham Women's Business Center for sharing the conference information with me. 在这次活动中见到温迪也是一件令人惊喜的事. 从很多方面来说,这对我来说都是双赢.



Eva Bryn Shoetique

查塔姆妇女商业中心(CWBC)改变了我的生活. I have experienced a very real metamorphosis from a 'hoper' or 'dreamer' to a true, 一个诚实的“实干家”和一个小企业主. 我梦想中的生意马上就要隆重开业了, Eva Bryn Shoetique, 这在很大程度上要归功于CWBC的支持和知识.

从一开始, CWBC让我认识了自信的女企业主, 善于表达,慷慨地奉献时间和知识. 从商业咨询到概念到启动课程, 我能够在相当定期的基础上获得惊人的洞察力,这帮助我真正“启动”我的商业概念. 温迪Mascio, 我的商务顾问, has truly been a cheerleader for me while also being a the voice of reason and a valuable resource. The business advice I have received has truly given me the confidence to take the leap. Having this regular support has truly enabled and empowered me to follow through on becoming a 'doer'.


Eva Bryn Shoetique


I consider myself a serial student at Chatham's Women's Business Center (CWBC). 我参加过一天的研讨会, 六周的课程中, 参与网络和营销项目, 并利用了他们的导师计划. 作为一个企业主, it is empowering to not have an excuse for failure as CWBC provides encouragement, 分享知识和资源,实现成功! I encourage every entrepreneur I meet to take advantage of this wonderful program. 我将永远是CWBC的支持者.



4年前,我开始了我的室内设计事业. 最近,我的生意开始迅速发展. I was in search of help with hiring employees and making sure I had things documented properly. 我找到了CWBC,和温蒂见面讨论我的生意. 她给了我很多见解,帮了我很大的忙. I also attended two programs, "create a business plan" and "concept to launch". 两者都很有趣,对我的事业也很有帮助. 当我遇到业务方面的问题或寻求增长计划方面的帮助时,我继续使用每月例会. The CWBC has been a key partner in my business success and I would definitely recommend them to other women.

——April Spagnolo



I have had a dream to open my own grooming salon and had no idea where to start. 我查了小企业管理局的网站,找到了CWBC的转介. 我先给温迪·马西奥打了一个一对一的咨询电话. 她真的帮我指明了正确的方向. While continuing one-on-one business counseling, I was also able to take the 即将推出的概念 Class. 这门课涵盖了许多我甚至不知道我需要考虑的基本主题——有限责任公司与独资经营者, 会计, 保险, 商业计划等等. 在课堂和个人指导之间,我已经完善了我的计划. Instead of a salon, I am now in the process of opening a mobile grooming service. 我已经成立了自己的有限责任公司, 制定商业计划, 申请创业贷款, 找到一辆货车, 我正在开发营销材料. 很快,我将参加CWBC提供的网站开发课程. 所以,很高兴看到我的梦想成为现实!




婚礼跳蚤市场®是一个婚礼装饰转售活动,在那里,新婚夫妇把她剩下的婚礼物品卖给那些结婚的人. The bride saves money before her wedding and the newlywed is able to recoup some money back after hers. 婚礼装饰很贵,而且只用一次, 而是通过我们的转售活动, 这些物品不仅可以有多种用途, but it saves couples (and their parents) anywhere from hundreds to even thousands of dollars.

查塔姆妇女商业中心是真实和真诚的. 他们帮我制定了一个商业计划, 让我接触到很棒的生意, 和我一对一合作, 一直在指导和鼓励我. They encourage success, business relationships and make you feel welcome and empowered. I continuously tell other women-owned businesses how Chatham's Women's Business Center can help them. 我喜欢和他们一起工作,并期待着继续这种关系. Thank you to Anne and Wendy for fueling my momentum, seeing my worth - and helping me see it.

